Sunday 29 May 2016

27 Awe-Inspiring Quotes About Freedom for Independence Day (and Every Day)

 27 Awe-Inspiring Quotes About Freedom for Independence Day (and Every Day):

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Independence Day is among the greatest American holidays, both for what we observe and it is celebrated by us.

It is not difficult, yet, to misconstrue how hard it was to develop our independence 239 years past, and to take freedom for granted. The Revolutionary War was expensive and long the second-longest battle in American history.

So by all means, host a bbq, march in a parade, have head to the shore, a couple of beers, light some fireworks off. I and my family will be there with you. Here are a few of the best things ever said about liberty-- some amusing, some touching, some rebellious --to get you thinking.

(By the way, are you aware the Founding Fathers were not only great leaders? They were additionally accurate entrepreneurs.)

3. "The lone way to take care of an unfree world would be to become so completely free that the very existence is an act of rebellion."
--Albert Camus

4. "Liberty is never over one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our kids in the bloodstream.
--Ronald Reagan

6. "Liberty never come from your authorities. Liberty has always come in the issues of it.
--Woodrow Wilson

7. "For to be free just isn't only to cast off one's chains, but to live in a manner that honors and enhances the independence of others."
--Nelson Mandela

8. "I tend not to agree with what you need to say, but I Will defend to the death your right to say it."

11. The second is freedom of every man to worship God in his own way on earth.
--Franklin Roosevelt

12. "Liberty is based on being bold."
--Robert Frost

13. "Some birds will not be supposed to be caged, that is all. Their feathers are overly vivid, their songs wild and overly sweet. So you let them go, or they fly out past you when you open the cage to feed them.

15. "Freedoms are not given, they're chosen."
--Aldous Huxley

17. "I never said, 'I are interested in being alone.' I just said, 'I desire to be!' There's all the difference."
--Greta Garbo

18. "Nothing is more challenging, and therefore more valuable, than to have the capacity to determine."
--Napoleon Bonaparte

19. "A buddy is someone who gives you complete freedom to be yourself."
--Jim Morrison

21. "If you are not prepared to perish because of it, place the word 'independence' out of your vocabulary."
--Malcolm X

26. "We hold our heads high, despite the cost we've paid, because independence is priceless."
--Lech Walesa

27. "Live free or die: Death just isn't the worst of evils."
--General John Stark

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